Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Welcome to EDC Pockets!

Hey guys! Welcome to EDC Pockets! Here you will find everything related to everyday carry gear. I will be posting reviews, pocket dumps, and generally anything related to pocket tools and gear. If you would like a particular item reviewed, feel free to contact me. Also, to start things off with a bang, I will be offering a giveaway! To enter, simply comment on this post and tell me what your favorite EDC item is at the moment, and at the end of February I will choose one commenter at random. I will announce which knife it will be soon. So, enjoy your stay, feel free to subscribe, comment, and hopefully win some gear!


  1. An oldie but a goodie: the Swiss Army Classic.

  2. The leatherman PS4 squirt has been in my pocket every day for a year, along with a fisher space pen. Total standbys with very low profiles.

  3. I'm quite fond of my Quantum 40dd
